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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Protestant""
The Numinosity of Rocks Anyone who is a rock person will take delight in this tribute to them. This glorious article by Patricia Adams Farmer, author of Embracing a Beautiful God appears on the inventive and beautifully vi…
The Doldrums and a Nap In the perspective of the Christian monastic tradition, time is a precious gift of God in which there are places for both activity and pauses. I try to keep that in mind as I rise to greet the new d…
My Spine and Its Many Gifts I have not given much attention or thought to my spine, despite it being such an awe-inducing body part. It provides me with strength and support, uprightness and dignity. We get a sense of how impo…
The Art of Being Wise Literary Wisdom What is the meaning of life? The great revelation . . . never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark. — Virg…
Making Connections Blessing Blessed be the people we carry in our blood. Blessed be the places we carry in our bones. May our living make a way for those who come after a path of blessing, a path of beauty. —…
Believing in Beginnings Prayer O God, help me to believe in the beginnings and in my beginnings again, no matter how often I've failed before. —Ted Loder in Guerrillas of Grace
Ah-Ha! Moments Protestant Wisdom Love alone is what shows you the face of God. It's what offers you a home in the universe. It's what makes the stars shine, -- Belden C. Lane, Presbyterian minister and writer …
"Q" is for Questing "We are more alive when we are actively involved with questing and questions. Keep moving. Keep crossing inner and outer borders. Keep asking." — Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spiritual Lite…
Making the Most of Every Day Catholic Wisdom Praying is our daily appointment with wisdom. — Thomas Merton quoted in Hanging Onto Hope by Melanie Svoboda
Bringing Blessings Blessing This day may my thoughts bring blessing to all of life. —Daniel McGill in Forty Nights